Everybody was Kung Fu Fighting…

Posted: December 5, 2012 in Uncategorized

Totally have this song in my head today, I was looking at how many people have got in on the plank challenge from my girl FitChick and while I tried to make “Everybody was Merry Planksmas” work it didn’t quite jive. So there you go and you are very welcome that you now have that song stuck in your head.

So today I have been night of the living dead walking around…I am going on my 5th day without a good night’s sleep, I woke up this morning with huge dark circles and puffy eyes. But good news Geeps fever finally broke and while he isn’t perfect he is on the mend, I still had to keep him home today so no wod and honestly I barely had the energy to make it through my daily tasks of the day. After I write this up I am getting my butt in bed and passing out so I can get up at *gulp* 4:30am (yep am) and go do “nasty girls” at CrossFit Regeneration. Bring on the coffee!!!

I don’t have much to post today honestly I didn’t even write down or measure what I ate, I barely ate at that. I was completely tired! But I did have to get on here and share a picture of my super reluctant to workout husband planking tonight. It was all his idea and just as he promised he kicked my rear! Now he has the picture to prove it…next step Operation get husband to CrossFit!! This man is a beast…I am so crazy about him!

I also have to share this, I haven’t taken side by sides for a while and if you follow me on instagram (supermomsteurer) you have seen it, but I caught a glance at these while looking down to see if I dropped something. Wow are those MY thighs? It has been so long since I had a nice big gap between them and had that outward shape of my glutes…I LOVE CROSSFIT!

No laughing at my slippers I have had them since I was 17 😀 Now I am going to bed so I can CrossFit YO!!

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